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  重述(restatement)指作者在阐述某一概念或某一事情时,为使其更易理解,会采取另一种方式来加以解释说明。重述时往往采用比前面一种表达更为简单易懂的词语,而后面这种简单易懂的词语无疑为前面较难的词语提供了猜测的线索,因此,考生在阅读的过程中如遇到生词,不妨看一下该生词后面是否有另一种阐述或解释。表达重述的信号词有:in other words, to put it another way, that is to say, or, that is, i.e. , to be precise, refers to等。此外,作者也会利用括号、冒号、破折号等标点符号为一些生词直接提供定义或解释。

  But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.

  【2004年Text 2】

  [分析] 第二句句首的指示词This指代alphabetism,线索词refers to之后的内容是对它的解释:对姓氏首字母位于字母表后半部分的人的歧视。

  Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need someone to tell us as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it.

  【2006年Text 4】

  [分析] 冒号之后的内容解释了Memento mori的意义所指:人总会死去,一切都会结束,幸福并不是否认这些,而是与之共存。Memento mori为拉丁语,意为“谨记死亡”或“人终有一死”。

  Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage—spying as a “profession”.

  【2003年Text 1】

  [分析] 破折号之后是对espionage的释义:以间谍为业,即间谍活动。


  对比(contrast)通常出现在作者讲述两种事物或两面个话题之间的不同时,二者之间常有表示对比或相反意义的过渡词,如however,in contrast,but,whereas,while,yet,on the contrary等。当考生遇到生词时,看到这些相关的过渡词或起相同作用的标志词,要意识到可以尝试通过后面的内容来推测前面生词的意思。

  Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilbert’s appointment in the Times, calls him “an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.”

  【2011年Text 1】

  [分析] 根据否定词no,可以断定unpretentious与 formidable呈相反意义,formidable意为“令人敬畏的”,那么unpretentious应为“不令人生畏的”,即“谦逊的;朴实的”。

  Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.

  【2006年Text 1】

  [分析] 由转折过渡词but及否定词hardly,可以推测elevating 与poisonous呈相反之意,poisonous意为“有毒的;败坏道德的”,与之相反,elevating则意为“提升道德的;引人向上的”。


  例子(example)也是猜测词义的有用线索。为了阐明某一种重要观念或者讲清某一抽象概念,作者往往采取举例的方式对这一观点或概念进行具体的说明和解释,从而使读者理解得更加透彻。例子一般紧跟在要说明的词语之后。根据例子所说明的事件、行为或活动,可以推断与之相关的生词的意思。例子通常由for instance,for example,more precisely,such as,like等过渡词引导。

  With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman. You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.

  【2002年Text 1】

  [分析] 第二句中的the Post Office 和 the telephone system对应第一句中的their canteen 和 their chairman,都是使用幽默时的调侃对象,由此可推测scapegoat的意思可能是“代人受过者”,即“替罪羊”。


  常识(general knowledge)是考生自身直接或间接的经验,如果考生熟悉文中所描述的情境,那么在遇到生词时,即使其前后没有具体提示,也可利用已有的知识或生活常识推断出词义来。

  But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they’re there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.

  【2009年Text 1】

  [分析] 虽然该段文字所谈为抽象的概念,但其以生活中熟悉的情景设喻。文中出现了许多属于同一语义场的词汇:rut,wear(踩;踏),pathway(小路;小径),bypass(绕过),road (路;道路),第二句说到新的习惯会绕过旧的路径而形成新路线,很容易看出ruts和roads是同义关系,意思应为“车辙”。

  Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers.

  【2009年Text 2】

  [分析] 由either...or...所引导的并列结构,可看出chromosome与DNA对应,而inherited和passed down说明了它们都与遗传相关,根据生物学常识,很容易判断chromosome指染色体,而chromosome之前的Y更是肯定了这一推断的正确性。


  许多单词的构成部分(word part)源于希腊语和拉丁语,如果知道单词这一部分的意思,就可以对那些生词的意思有一个大致的了解。因此,在阅读的过程中,在利用上下文线索猜测词义的同时,也可以结合构词法知识来理解单词。词根(roots)决定了单词最基本的意义,不管一个单词的前后缀如何变化,其词根义不会产生任何变化。前缀(prefixes)是单词前面的部分,它影响单词的意思。后缀(suffixes)是词的结尾部分,它决定一个词的词性。

  Is there any chance that Cardus’s criticism will enjoy a revival? The prospect seems remote.

  【2010年Text 1】

  [分析] revival一词由三部分组成:re-(前缀,again)+ viv(词根,to live)+-al(名词后缀, state of),显而易见,revival意为“再生;复兴”。prospect则由pro-(forward)+ spect(to look)构成,可猜测为“向前看”,此处为名词,意为“前景;展望”。