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  bite the bullet 下定决心;咬紧牙关


  A: So you want to bite the bullet and sell your company? 你真的下决心把公司给卖了?

  B: Yeah, I have no other choice. If I can't pay back the loan, I'll end in prison. 是的,除此之外我别无选择。如果还不清贷款,我就会进监狱的。

  A: Anyway, I think you should have second thoughts. 你最好还是再好好考虑一下。




  a stray bullet 流弹

  every bullet has its billet. 每颗子弹都有归宿,命中注定无法逃

  ride a bullet(在民意测验中支持率) 升



  a dog bit him on his arm. 狗咬了他的手臂

  the file bites the metal. 锉刀锉得深

  nitric acid bites copper. 硝酸能腐蚀铜

  the anchor bites the ground. 锚钩住海底

  an icy wind that bites our face 刺面的寒风

  she bited me for a new coat. 她骗我给她买件皮大衣

  i got bitten in a mail-order swindle. 我在一场邮购骗局中上了当

  what's biting you? 什么事让你这么生气?