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时间:2020-09-26 11:01 英文求职信


  × × university personnel responsible comrades:

  i was eager to be a useful service personnel, 22-year-old woman. a year ago i learned from faculty of education, university of linjiang graduate school management, the city assigned by the state, the latter by the board of education assigned to the municipal authorities as a child of kindergarten teachers. over the past year, studies in the use of non-(director) has held up the post a lot of valuable time, which countries are undoubtedly the loss of individuals, i want to find a place to play its director.

  i now spend a few moments describing the situation: i have the language ability than subjects at high school to 108 colleges and universities colleges for admission, during the school newspaper at the provincial two novels published in the guangming daily published a college summer vacation survey report, calligraphy schools硬笔race won second prize (in block letters). × organs previously directly under the text to use for work, has written a variety of plans, summary of the report, deputy mayor for × wrote the script of a televised speech. in addition, i have been the subject of english in secondary schools during the university's strengths, among the best results. university of the third grade at the provincial level have been published two works of translation. university of the fourth grade through the national examination in english 4. from the above, i served as secretary for public courses or foreign language teaching.

  responsible comrades, i am completely sure that if you will allow me to serve as the work of these two aspects will make you satisfied. i myself will treasure this hard-won work, struggling to make its own contribution.



  job-seekers: × × ×


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  结果: 由于朴先生的求职信中已经展现了自己的个人专业素养和能力,顺利地得到了 面试 机会,并凭借其自身能力,击败了众多竞争对手,获得了OFFER。据公司HR透露,朴先生因为这份求职信很有针对性而且很诚恳,因此决定在众多的应聘者中给他一个 面试 机会。